Is that the smell of sweet potatoes, Pillsbury rolls, and a turkey cooking? Yep, you guessed it, that's the smell of a good old fashioned Thanksgiving! Personally, Thanksgiving has never been one of my favorite holidays, just something that just came and went as a small bump on the Peppermint Lane to ChristmasLand. However, this year I was really looking forward to the annual giving of Thanks and was not disappointed! The food was good, the family nice, and the tranquil peace of thankfulness settled over all of us...after our 5K run. Ok, you caught me, 5K walk......trot?
This year I joined my sister and her friend, Brooke, on the eighth annual
Michael Bratton II Turkey Trot, a 5K to raise money for suicide awareness and prevention in our county and honor the loss of Michael Bratton. Every year this 5K has gotten a little bit bigger and almost 2,000 people ran this year!
And we're trotting...and we're TROT-ING. |
We then
headed home to watch the one and only MACY'S THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE!
To be honest, it's one of my ultimate Thanksgiving-themed goals to be in the
crowd or on a float at the parade and let me tell you, am I trying! After
thoroughly enjoying the parade we got in cute(and cozy) Thanksgiving outfits
before skedaddling to the kitchen to cook every Thanksgiving food
ever....yams(marshmallows included), green beans, mashed potatoes, and of
course the TURKEY!
23 pounds of tasty...PLEASE NOTE: the froggy chip clip, yes it stares into your soul. |
Yes, Kenna this is stolen from props but I didn't have a picture of everybody! |
Dad carving up Mr. Turkey
My family: Mum and Dad, Kenna, and the grandparents all sat down to an amazing dinner and remembered how thankful we were for everything around us and each other(cue the 'awww's). We had a great time together and even enjoyed some musical stylings from yours truly.(no, they don't happen often and when they do....stage fright knocks on my door and invited itself in.) This year I was really thankful for all the great opportunities presented to me, that were taken and the memories that I've made. Whether good, bad, hilarious, scary, or beautiful, this year's memories have been great and I've been lucky to have such great people to share them with! I hope everyone had a great Turkey day! Share your experiences and thanks down in the comments, I'd love to hear about them! Jewel
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