The bathtub is my favorite place in the house
How ya doin? (too 'Joey' from friend for ya? I think so) My owner decided that this was the funniest picture of me ever because I apparently look like Yoda...or would that be Yoda look like? I actually don't think it's funny at all since this is what happens when I get my ear medicine...which is miserable if you have never suffered such a thing.
Yoda-sy! |
I also discovered the white carton of magicalness hidden behind a suspicous two-layered shield that I was later informed was known as a 'shower curtain' which draws back to reveal...a bathtub. Although I'm not so keen on the idea of baths or water going anywhere in the coveted world of the bathtub, I do love to play in this 'shower curtain' and use the slippery texture of the bathtub bottom to chase my tail.
Look at me smilin' away...that's how happy I am! |
Yoo-Hoo I love the bathtub! |
That's it for this week, and if I was a cat owner, I would tell my cat about your tub of rainbows and happiness as soon as possible!
I hate baths and love food
Wazz up? Hmmmm...I still don't think that's the right one...I'm still thinkin' but hey I'm a Give me a break! Unfortunately, I couldn't get back to ya'll sooner because my owner's computer was broken(pshhhh technology). Anyway I'm here now and that's what matters! Last week, my owner decided to torment me and of all the things gave me bath! *shudder* Unlike my cousins, the tigers, I hate water. I have no understanding of why in a million years you people would bathe in water when you could just lick yourself clean! Not only is it terrible but it makes me look straight up ridiculous, much like a mouse actually(and I know I'm a mouse killer...hear me RAWR). So here I am...
I like to think of this as my, "OH-MY-GOD-MUMMAY-WHY-ARE-YOU-DOING-THIS-TO-ME" |
Lucky for my owner, she made up for it by giving me the holy grail of all human foods...GOLDFISH CRACKERS! And then letting me play with a banana peel...
There's no denying it these are the bestest! |
What are this? |
My last exciting news this week is that I am now the proud(well actually slightly annoyed) owner of a blue plaid collar; complete with fish-bone nameplate with my name(ya know in case I forget?) and my owner's phone number(this is actually practical)and an obnoxious little bell. Although I'm still getting used to this aggravating thing around my neck, my owner likes it and I guess I do look pretty handsome...if I say so myself.
YOO-HOO, I'm Monsieur Dapper.
See you next time!
Hi, my name is Allons-y!
Hey Guys! Oh wait, that's my owner's greeting...well I guess I'll have to come up with one myself...but not right now. I guess I'll start with an introduction of myself cause' that seems to be the way you humans do it. My name is Allons-y, after the British TV show Doctor Who! I'm a four month old kitten and my favorite pastime is biting...everything! Hands, feet, strangers, shoes, my owner's homework, whatever is around really! Ummmm...I also like to eat, especially human food because why would I want regular cat food when I could have things like pizza? My favorite toy is my squeaky mouse because it makes so much noise(no, not cause' it drives my owner crazy...pshhhh). Anyway, my owner is nice enough to give me my very own page on her Blog so I'll try to keep you updated on what I do! However, right now I'll share some pics of baby me because...well...I'm adorable.
Here's little baby me meowing to my heart's content for more food |
Wasn't I cute and tiny? |
Does my owner have really big hands or am I just really small? Maybe both?
My favorite way to 'hang' out |
My "mummy I am not a shoe" face |
"Paint me like one of your French girls, Leo" |
My Mum was kind enough to take some pictures of me presently so you could see the face behind the meow...
I'm regal aren't I? |
Until next time!
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